Our Siele exam preparation course in Valencia has a practical and communicative approach, focused on the main skills of the language: writing, reading, understanding and speaking. A course designed to let you take advantage of every minute of class and enjoy the experience of learning Spanish.
The Siele preparation programme in Spain
Is it for me?
Yes, if you want to obtain an official certificate in Spanish as soon as possible and you need to prepare yourself to pass it successfully. Students and professionals from all over the world can take the exam.
Siele is the International Service for the Evaluation of the Spanish Language, it is jointly promoted by the Cervantes Institute and several prestigious universities and certifies the proficiency degree of Spanish via an online test. It takes only 3 weeks to get the results.
What am I going to learn?
Siele certifies the proficiency level in the Spanish language through four tests: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression and interaction, and oral expression and interaction; In the programme we practice all your language skills to ensure that you succeed on the exam.
How are we going to do it?
Every day, from Monday to Friday, you will have 4 general Spanish classes in a group in which you will advance in all aspects of the Spanish language, and a specific private class for the preparation of the Siele, in which you will take real exam tests.
What do I have to know about my Siele preparation course in Valencia?
When does it start?
Non-beginners can start: Every Monday.
Starting dates for beginners:
07/01, 20/01, 03/02, 17/02, 03/03, 17/03, 07/04, 22/04, 05/05, 19/05, 02/06, 16/06, 23/06, 30/06, 07/07, 14/07, 21/07, 28/07, 04/08, 11/08, 18/08, 01/09, 15/09, 29/09, 06/10, 20/10, 03/11, 17/11, 01/12, 15/12.
What schedule will I have?
Group classes: mornings or afternoons from 9:10 – 13:00 or from 14:10 – 18:00. We will arrange your private classes at the school and we will adapt to the schedule that suits you best.
What is the minimum age required for the programme?
This course is for students ages 16 and 99.
How long is my programme?
From 1 to 8 weeks.
What level of Spanish do I need to have?
There are Siele exams for all levels starting from A1, so even if you’re a total beginner, after some weeks of study you’ll be able to obtain an official certificate.
If you would like to know for which exam you should apply, just contact us and we’ll test your skills and recommend you the best exam for you.
When is the exam?
There is at least one exam day per week. Check full availability on: https://siele.org/
How is the Spanish Siele exam?
The Siele is a digital and modular exam, which consists of 4 tests that correspond to the 4 communicative activities of the language. You can choose to examine yourself in all areas or just some of them. Do you want to know more about Siele?
Siele global
It consists of 4 tests that correspond to the four communicative activities of the language.
It is the most complete modality to certify the level of command of Spanish. The total duration of the exam is 3 hours and the maximum score is over 1000 points (each test has a maximum of 250 points).
When taking the Siele Global, a certificate of international recognition is received, valid for five years, which includes a score for tests related to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and a numerical score from 0 to 1000 resulting from the sum obtained in each test.
Siele independent modalities
Allows you to receive an internationally recognized Siele report card which provides a score between 0 and 500 for S1, S2 and S3 with a total of two tests, and between 0 and 250 for S4 with one test.
Reading Comprehension (CL) + Listening Comprehension (CA)
Reading Comprehension (CL) + Written Expression and Interaction (EIE)
Listening Comprehension (CA) + Oral Expression and Interaction (EIO)
Oral Expression and Interaction (EIO)
Written Expression and Interaction test (EIE) + Oral Expression and Interaction (EIO)
Prices of Spanish Siele course in Spain
Between 1 and 8 weeks
435 €
per week
Get your quote
What is your level of Spanish?
Españolé offers you the most appropriate Spanish program for your level.
A1 – Beginners
Students can deal with simple straightforward exchanges in familiar contexts. They can usually understand enough to keep a very basic conversation going.
A2 – Pre-Intermediate
Students can understand and express information about the present, past and future. They can deal with most situations involved in travelling around a Spanish speaking country, including communicating most personal and everyday information.
B1 – Intermediate
Students can comfortably interact with native speakers. They can participate in discussions and express their viewpoints in familiar contexts. They can describe experiences in their past as well as explain and give reasons for their plans, desires and ambitions for the future.
B2 – Upper-intermediate
Students can express their ideas on general topics clearly in both the spoken and written form. They are familiar with and can competently use more complex structures and have a good level of fluency andbroader vocabulary including some idiomatic expressions.
C1 – Advanced
Students are capable of understanding most lectures, discussions and debates. They are able to develop a well-structured argument with supporting evidence and explanations in oral and written form. Students have broadened their general language capability and vocabulary to feel comfortable operating effectively in social, academic and professional spheres.
C2 – Superior
Students have a high level of written and spoken Spanish They can participate easily in discussions and write well- structured compositions even on complex, unfamiliar situations. They can give clear presentations on complex issues, integrating sub themes and developing particular points.
What do our students think about the programme to obtain the Spanish certification in Valencia?
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Can we help you?
Contact us if you have any questions.
Frequently asked questions about our exam preparation course in Spain
#1 How can I obtain a Siele exam certification?
The Siele exam certificate is obtained by successfully completing the Siele exam.
#2 What about the Siele preparation programme method?
Our objective is that our students learn to communicate in Spanish, the method is a combination in order to develop all the skills needed to do so. Depending on the level you will have more or less speaking practice. The higher the level is, more possibility to speak. All the lessons are in Spanish.
#3 When can I take my Siele exam preparation programme in Valencia?
There are set dates throughout the year for students to complete the Siele exam in Valencia.
#4 How many weeks can I study a Siele exam preparation?
You can prepare for the Siele exam from 1 to 8 weeks.
#5 What will my class schedule look like in an Siele preparation programme?
Having a morning or afternoon schedule will depend on the places available in the groups of your level. In the morning, classes start at 9:10 and in the afternoon at 14:10. In any case, you will always have half a day free to study, get to know our city and have fun with your friends.
#6 How far in advance do I have to register to a Siele preparation programme?
You can register at any time, although if you want to be sure that we have places in the Siele preparation programme, we recommend that you do it in advance.
#7 How can I enroll to a Siele preparation programme?
Simply complete the “online” enrolment form and send it to us.
#8 Can I have private lessons in the Siele exam preparation programme?
Yes. For the Siele exam preparation you will have general group classes and private lessons.
#9 How can I pay a Siele preparation programme?
We offer several options to pay our Siele preparation programme: by bank transfer in € or by credit card.
#10 How to study for a Spanish official Siele exam?
At Españolé, our course will prepare you for the exam focusing on all the fundamental skills of Spanish that you will need.
The highest quality in teaching
The most important certifications and quality seals guarantee the excellence of our school.