If you want to study at a university in Spain, we can help you achieve it! With our university preparation programme, we prepare you to pass the entrance exam.
Learn Spanish to access the university in Spain
Is it for me?
Yes, if you want to study at a university in Spain, you have completed upper secondary education and the educational system of your country is validated with the Spanish system. In order to access university education, you need to pass the PAU (Prueba de acceso a la universidad) exam and we can help you to achieve it successfully.
What am I going to learn?
We work on the specific subjects of the exam. Depending on the university studies you want to do: it can be Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences or Art.
How are we going to do it?
We tailor classes individually for each student. You will have 20 classes per week divided into different subjects, with personalised tutorials. We will help you with the choice of subjects and with the entire documentation process until you get to university.
What do I need to know about my University preparation programme for international students in Valencia?
When does it start?
You can start the programme in August, October or January according to your Spanish level. The courses end in May, just before the exam.
What schedule will I have?
Spanish course: From Monday to Friday from 09:10 to 13:00 or from 14:10 to 18:00.
Academic training: from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 or two afternoons per week from 16:30 to 19:00.
What is the minimum age required for the programme?
You must have finished your upper secondary education, the minimum age to enter is 17 years old.
What level of Spanish do I need to have?
Before starting you must have at least a B2 level. You can take an Intensive Spanish course with us before starting the preparation course for the university entrance exam. Check options with us.
Some universities require the Dele B2 certificate, we can also help you obtain it.
When is the exam?
University entrance exams have two sessions a year, in May / June and in September.
Prices of University pathway: University admission exam preparation in Spain
4.940 €
For the whole course
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What is your level of Spanish?
Españolé offers you the most appropriate Spanish program for your level.
A1 – Beginners
Students can deal with simple straightforward exchanges in familiar contexts. They can usually understand enough to keep a very basic conversation going.
A2 – Pre-Intermediate
Students can understand and express information about the present, past and future. They can deal with most situations involved in travelling around a Spanish speaking country, including communicating most personal and everyday information.
B1 – Intermediate
Students can comfortably interact with native speakers. They can participate in discussions and express their viewpoints in familiar contexts. They can describe experiences in their past as well as explain and give reasons for their plans, desires and ambitions for the future.
B2 – Upper-intermediate
Students can express their ideas on general topics clearly in both the spoken and written form. They are familiar with and can competently use more complex structures and have a good level of fluency andbroader vocabulary including some idiomatic expressions.
C1 – Advanced
Students are capable of understanding most lectures, discussions and debates. They are able to develop a well-structured argument with supporting evidence and explanations in oral and written form. Students have broadened their general language capability and vocabulary to feel comfortable operating effectively in social, academic and professional spheres.
C2 – Superior
Students have a high level of written and spoken Spanish They can participate easily in discussions and write well- structured compositions even on complex, unfamiliar situations. They can give clear presentations on complex issues, integrating sub themes and developing particular points.
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Frequent questions for University pathway course for international students
#1 When can I start the university preparation programme?
It depends on your current level of Spanish. You can start in August (A0 – B1) or in September (B2+). There is also an express course starting in January for those with a B2+ level.
All courses end in May, just before the Spanish university entrance exam (EvAU or PCE).
#2 What level of Spanish do I need to start the academic part of the programme?
You will need at least a B2 level to begin the academic part. If you do not reach this level within the programme, you will continue studying Spanish until you achieve it.
#3 What level of Spanish do I need to attend university?
To guarantee admission to all universities, it is recommended to have a B2 level of Spanish, certified by Dele or Siele. Some universities require the B2 certificate.
#4 I am a high school student and interested in studying at a university in Spain. What can I do now?
Having a good high school GPA is very important as it helps you choose the university or career you want.
#5 I need to apply for homologation. Can you help me?
Yes, we assist you with the entire process to enter the university.
#6 Can I apply to a university outside of Valencia?
Of course, you can choose any university in Spain.
#7 How do I choose the university and faculty?
The programme includes informational support and guidance from a professional in educational coaching and educational psychology. We inform you of the options based on your strengths, grades, and knowledge level in the subjects.
#8 What documents do I need to start the course?
You need a student visa. The University Pathway programme includes 20 weekly classes, both language and academic parts, which allows you to apply for a student visa. You also need the official academic certification with the grades obtained in high school or equivalent, duly certified by the school or the corresponding Spanish Consulate, and the Hague Apostille on the academic certificate.
#9 What grade do I need to enter university?
The maximum grade is 14. To compete, you need a good average grade at the end of your studies in your country. The University Pathway course is designed to improve your grade, as the academic certification represents 60% of the final grade, and with good exam results, you can improve the remaining 40%.
#10 What is the course methodology?
We conduct a general assessment of the student’s knowledge in different subjects to start at the required level. We work in a personalized way, with an individualized programme and planning adapted to each student. The teachers explain the content, set objectives, motivate and evaluate the student daily. Evaluation tests allow us to identify errors and correct them specifically.
#11 Can I join the programme outside the published dates?
These dates are ideal to have enough time to cover the programme. However, we understand that each case is individual, so contact us and we will offer other dates according to your needs.
#12 Which university can I study at after this programme?
You can apply to any public or private university throughout Spain.
#13 Can I apply to several universities?
Yes, you can send your application to different provinces, universities, and degrees. The maximum is usually between 6 and 12 per autonomous community. You just need to be clear about which city you would like to live in for the next few years.
#14 Can I study at a university for free?
Public universities are funded by the government (covering about 90% – 95% of their costs), so the part that the student pays is usually not very high. The price varies depending on the degree, university, and autonomous community, with an average cost of 2,000 euros per year. This makes the University Pathway course a valuable investment in your future.
#15 Does Españolé prepare for official Spanish exams?
Yes, we prepare you for the Dele (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) and the Siele (Servicio Internacional De Evaluación de la Lengua Española). The Dele is the official diploma of Spanish as a foreign language awarded by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Siele is the new official certificate verifying knowledge of Spanish as a foreign language. There are six levels of the Dele, from A1 to C2.
The highest quality in teaching
The most important certifications and quality seals guarantee the excellence of our school.